Customer Reviews

We are a customer-focused business, proud of our reputation for quality.

Feedback is important to us as it helps us improve our service. Below are some of our recent reviews from happy customers.

Ben Gill Bedfordshire

Fantastic company!! Have used these a few times now and can’t recommend enough, the guy Aaron I met knows his stuff and got the job done to a very high standard.

Jeanette Irwin Bedfordshire

C&R Pipeline Solutions Ltd came out to check problem with down pipe leading to Soakaway. After cutting pipe found out it was blocked solid. Aaron kept me up to date on each point of the job showing me the problem and then after he’d cleared the roots from pipe. Then flushed it through showing no backup of water. Cleaned everything up. Very satisfied with work.

Paul Church Bedfordshire

Amazing company Aaron was great explaining everything, arrives on time. Fixed our drain.

Peter Mottershead Bedfordshire

Very friendly, showed up on and went above and beyond to please us. I couldn’t recommend C&R Pipeline Solutions Ltd enough.

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